Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Register, Slashdot dot dot dot.......

So the 'story' broke. Hopefully the ride will be enjoyable for those surfing it for the day or two before it washes up - it may serve ultimately to remove some of the useless heat from the situation, and maybe distill everything to the point where any outstanding issues can be seen clearly.

You'll see below that my personal consequence for passing comment was being booted by David Gerard from the mailing list as a troll, and told to 'go play' at Wikipedia Review.

Sorry David, but I don't think that was either warranted or a sensible reaction. Hey ho, I'm off to Coventry for christmas.........


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you meant to say " to Swalwell." :P

private musings said...

no no no, never been there, never heard of the place. is it even a place? I'm just glad the emporer roundheads leave me nearer godiva, she's got no clothes either.

Whistleblower said...

Are you really off to Coventry? Or did you mean a metaphorical being 'sent to Coventry'?

Only coventry is just a few miles from me lol:)